White Tea

WHITE TEA - precious and delicious

White teas such as Pai Mu Tan and Yin Zhen, Chinese for "silver needle", owe their name to the silvery white fluff that surrounds the buds of the tea plant - a first hint to their exquisite taste.

Only the unopened buds and most tender leaves are harvested in the spring for white tea. Thanks to particularly gentle processing, the tea retains its original mildness and tastes fresh and slightly sweet in the infusion. White tea doesn’t get bitter, meaning it can be infused multiple times. The aroma and intensity change in the process.

White tea not only tastes excellent, it also has a positive effect on your well-being. Just like green tea, white tea can have both a stimulating and a calming effect.

White tea has an extremely delicate taste right from the beginning. It doesn’t get bitter, meaning it can be infused multiple times. The aroma and intensity change in the process. We recommend a brewing temperature of 70°C to 80°C for 2 to 4 minutes.