ROOIBOS & HONEYBUSH - the African sun in a cup

These caffeine-free thirst quenchers taste great hot or cold, at any time of day.

Rooibos is not tea in the proper sense, but an infusion made from the needle-like leaves of a bush that grows exclusively in South African Cape region and is harvested between January and May. As soon as the picked "brooms" are cut and pressed and the juice seeps out, natural fermentation sets in. Rooibos (red bush) acquires its characteristic red colour and full flavour during fermentation. The quality of the end product can be judged by its colour: the brighter the red, the better the quality of the tea.

It is caffeine-free, full of flavour and rich in minerals and vitamins. Its natural sweetness makes it a real pleasure in both its plain and flavoured varieties.

Because Rooibos is free of caffeine and tannic acid, the preparation is very easy. Too much tea or longer brewing times do not have much effect and the infusion remains perfectly enjoyable. 

Honeybush is very similar to rooibos, but it has a slightly sweeter, more full-bodied taste. The classic, fermented honeybush tea has a delicate honey flavour and a light, amber coloured infusion. Since it is not cultivated, it is often only local people who can find and harvest this wild-growing shrub. 

The brewing of Rooibos Tea and Honeybush is an easy one. Use boiling water to brew and steep 7 to 10 minutes. As rooibos only has a low content of tannines it keeps its typical sweetness even after a longer infusion time. Drunk hot or cold, you will like its taste either way. It is thirst-quenching either way as well.